Trinity Council 313 Dues And Donations Page
Our Officers - 2023 - 2024
Grand Knight Kevin Collins
Chaplain Monsignor Thomas Baddick
Deputy Grand Knight Dennis Campbell
Financial Secretary Frank Castellano
Treasurer Bernie Stano
Chancellor Jim Foley
Advocate John F. Spirk, Jr., PGK
Recorder Randy Zenchettin
Warden Dean Donaher
Inside Guard Peter LaPointe
Outside Guard Chip Walakovits
Third Year Trustee Bob Allwein
Second Year Trustee Ron Moser PGK
First Year Trustee Mike Martin PGK
Lecturer Deacon Steve Gorbos
Council Directors
Program & Council Director
Faith Director
Church Director
Community Director
Vocation Chairman
Family Director
Roundtable Chairman
Membership Director
Admissions Chairman
Recruitment Chairman
Retention Chairman
Pro-Life Chairman/wife
Insurance Promotion
WebMaster Mike Martin, PGK
Public Relations Director Mike Martin, PGK
Past Grand Knights
1971 - Present
2021 to 2023 Mike Martin
2017 to 2021 Ron Moser 2016 to 2017 Jim Weed
2014 to 2016 Dennis Blaszkowski
2013 to 2014 John Corrado
2012 to 2013 Mark J. Sewell
2011 to 2012 Michael Toohey
2009 to 2011 John F. Spirk, Jr.
2008 to 2009 Phillip Comito
2007 to 2008 Robert Pandaleon
2006 to 2007 Richard Scrak, Jr.
2005 to 2006 James R. Faller
2004 to 2005 Stephen T. Gorbos, Jr.
2003 to 2004 James Hogg, III
2002 to 2003 Edward J. Ortelli
2001 to 2002 Edward W. Nickles
2000 to 2001 Robert W. Curzi
1999 to 2000 Richard W. Sewald Jr.
1998 to 1999 Terry L. Unger
1997 to 1998 Carl L. Albarelli
1995 to 1997 Joseph L. Sulinski
1994 to 1995 Frank J. Tomkowski
1993 to 1994 James M. Artim
1992 to 1993 Lee B. Steele
1991 to 1992 Michael A. Ippoliti
1990 to 1991 Leonard T. Verrastro
1989 to 1990 Daniel Artim
1987 to 1989 David M. Petrilla
1986 to 1987 Bernard J. Gallagher
1985 to 1986 Robert M. Gallagher
1984 to 1985 Carl R. Symons
1983 to 1984 John P. Yanushka
1982 to 1983 Robert L. Johnson, Jr.
1981 to 1982 Joseph F. Morrison
1980 to 1981 William J. Connell, Jr.
1979 to 1980 Edward L. Lewis
1978 to 1979 Louis T. Gergar
1977 to 1978 Richard L. Gergar
1976 to 1977 Norbert J. Smith
1975 to 1976 J. Stanley Tich
1974 to 1975 Dominic P. Spagnola
1973 to 1974 John Tobin
1972 to 1973 Vincent Brugger
1971 to 1972 Joseph Vavro
1898 - 1970
1970 to 1971 Steve Kuti
1969 to 1970 Edward W. Beighe
1968 to 1969 John E. Cauley
1966 to 1968 John A. Clark
1965 to 1966 James J. Reidy
1964 to 1965 Paul J. Dibartolo
1962 to 1964 Cletus E. McGorry
1960 to 1962 David Livirrie
1958 to 1960 Paul Matus
1957 to 1958 James F. Conahan
1956 to 1957 John J. Conahan
1955 to 1956 John McNamara
1954 to 1955 F. Cunningham
1953 to 1954 Fred B. Rooney, Jr.
1950 to 1953 August C. Concilio, Sr
1949 to 1950 Hugh G. Howard
1947 to 1949 James A. Brown
1945 to 1947 Michael D. Fenol
1942 to 1945 Bernard A. Briody, Sr.
1940 to 1942 Harry F. McGlade
1938 to 1940 Francis J. Cunningham
1936 to 1938 John Bruno
1934 to 1936 Bart Reynolds
1932 to 1934 Hugh P. McFadden
1930 to 1932 John Cunningham
1928 to 1930 John Kilcullen
1927 to 1928 Joseph B. McNamee
1924 to 1927 James C. McIntyre
1922 to 1924 John R. Lynch
1921 to 1922 Ed D. Mill
1919 to 1921 Thomas Kane
1916 to 1919 John J. Dempsey
1914 to 1916 Herman E. Hauke
1910 to 1913 Martin J. Hildenberger, Jr
1908 to 1910 John J. Hart
1907 to 1908 James M. Degnan
1906 to 1907 Herman E. Hauke
1905 to 1906 Jeremiah P. Casey
1904 to 1905 Bernard Enright
1903 to 1904 Louis J. Rayeur
1902 to 1903 George A. Hart
1900 to 1902 Joseph H. McGee
1898 to 1900 James M. Degnan
Officer's Duties
The grand knight is responsible for the overall welfare of the council. The grand knight must provide thoughtful and inspired leadership to the 14 other council officers, the service directors, chairmen and member of the council. More specifically, his duties include: presiding over council meetings, appointing membership and program directors, acts as an ex officio member on all committees, including membership of recruitment and retention committees while making sure all required reports are submitted on time. The grand knight represents the council at Chapter meetings and the annual state convention.
The deputy grand knight is second in command in the council. He assists the grand knight in the operation of the council affairs and is responsible for any duties assigned to him by the grand knight. He is also the council's program director advising the various service program directors. Unless there are objections the deputy grand knight will be nominated for grand knight the following Columbian year.
The chancellor assists the grand knight and deputy grand knight in the execution of their duties and takes charge of the council in the absence of the grand knight and deputy grand knight. He chairs the membership activities of the council to attract new members, getting them through the three degrees and making new members feel welcome in our council. The chancellor can be nominated to deputy grand knight the following Columbian year if there are no objections.
The warden is responsible for supervising and maintaining most council property except that which belongs to the financial secretary. He sets up council chambers for meetings and degrees and supervises guards for ceremonial exemplifications. The warden should also oversee the inside and outside guards and make sure they are fulfilling the duties assigned to them The warden should move up to chancellor the following Columbian year if there are no objections.
The inside guard attends the inner door of the council chamber, checking on paid up membership cards before allowing entrance. The outside guard tends the outer door of the council home admitting all visitors to the inner door. Both of these positions assist the warden in setting up the chamber for meeting and other council activities.
The recorder functions the same way that a court recorder does by maintaining the minutes of council meetings. He also maintains all council correspondence.
This office is approved by and represents supreme and is appointed for a term of three years. The financial secretary's duties revolve around two areas: financial records and membership records. He receives all moneys that come into the council from any source. He then turns that money over to the council treasurer for deposit into the council account. One of the main functions of this office is to collect money in the form of dues. He is the one who sends out dues notices. He must insure that new members sign constitutional roll of membership at the first degree.
The treasurer is an elected officer in charge of handling all council funds. He receives money from the financial secretary. He must keep accurate financial records. The treasure makes payments approved by the trustees.
The advocate is the legal representative of the council and serves as the council's attorney in case of trial and investigation of any matter of interest to the council. He should be thoroughly familiar with all of the laws of the Order as stated in the "Charter, Constitution and Laws" and with council by-laws as well as a working knowledge of the "Roberts Rules of Order".
The lecturer is appointed by the grand knight to provide suitable educational and entertaining programs for the council. He is responsible for presenting the "Good of the Order" section of the council meetings. He will have ample time at each meeting to present a worthwhile program that will help build attendance and provide benefits to the membership that is present.
The priest chosen will primarily act as spiritual advisor to the brother knights and families of the council. He has no specific duties with regards to running the council. He is expected, however, to make a report at council meeting and give brief talk on any religious matters. The chaplain should also serve as an advisor to the church activities director.
The board of trustees consist of the grand knight and three members elected by the council which traditionally are past grand knights. Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as auditors of the books. They also serve on the council's retention committee.